
About this website is my personal website. I use it to share personal thoughts, document what I learned, plant some digital seeds, and host some unique content I want to share for particular reasons. Even so, I tend to write about my profession I try to keep the tone personal on this site.

One of the most crucial elements of the success of the web was its open nature. If you want to know how a website is built you can pretty much inspect all source code with a simple right-click > view source in a readable way. Furthermore, many web participants share their experience and knowledge of the web to inspire others. Thus I am happy to be part of this open web with my small blog.

On this page, you can find my sources of inspiration, and background information on my build process and design.


The more I work with the web, the more I realise that websites are about their content and offerings—design then helps to make this content accessible and enjoyable. Unfortunately, many websites focus on complex design to trigger a “wow” effect.

But this comes at huge maintenance costs and content creation efforts. This is something I am not able to afford for a personal website. Thus my website is bare-bone, simple, minimalist, brutalist, purist, or whatever you want to call a site that is simple to handle.

My website features a simple blogging layout inspired by,,, and many more. A single centred column resembles documents like Email and Docx we know. I try to follow the webs grain and follow the vertical scrolling behaviour we learned to love.

On most websites, I often play around with the top menu before I read the first line of the actual content. Then I might be lost clicking through the pages of the site instead of reading the content I was interested in. Thus my website does not feature top navigation (often called burger navigation in web jargon). I did also avoid any sidebars, teasers or other elements that could introduce distractions throughout the reading experience. Visitors should be able to enjoy content as is instead of being overloaded with other content.

Instead, my website features old-school footer navigation with next and previous articles and a link to the homepage. The homepage offers a list of available links in long-form content. I hope this will help new visitors as an introduction to the site. Additionally, it is possible to go to the index page that lists all posts by clicking the page title. I am still undecided if I want to feature the newest post on the homepage like I like that I can leave Manu’s site on one tab, refresh it every now and then to read his updates.

I implemented a monochrome colour scheme with a light and dark mode that reacts to the system settings of your operating system via CSS media queries. I decided to not provide a manual theme switcher as this would require setting a cookie or local storage on your browser. This is something I avoid to leave a minimal footprint on your system.

I use the open-source font Inter that provides a tasteless experience similar to the default fonts of most operating systems but allows me to provide optimised typography across all platforms. Default system fonts have many advantages, but they have slightly different sizes and characteristics per platform which makes it difficult to find optimal settings for line height and tracking. Inter allows me to tune those crucial settings once for all platforms. Additionally, Inter offers many features like monospace numbers for tables. I only use two font-weights and a single font-size—inspired by the website of The font size is bound to the width of the browser and thus scales on larger devices. This helps with readability on TVs, projectors and other large scale devices. The website also respects the font size and zoom settings of your browser settings.


I create this site with the static site generator Lume. No frameworks are used, everything is built-in simple templating languages that are compiled to pure HTML, CSS and JS. Assets, CSS and JS are directly processed via Lume so that I am able to have simple DX features like splitting CSS components into many files. I implemented more extensions that allow me to write blog posts with rich typography in Markdown.

The website uses an HTML-first approach that optimises semantics where possible. The site works fine with deactivated CSS and/or JavaScript. If things are not available as an HTML element I plan to use web components to create custom elements that resolve the task.

I avoided usage of CSS classes for styling where possible, relying on the natural style cascade. Using semantic selectors (e.g. a[rel="home"] vs. a.home) is a nice way to stay content first as every design consideration is somehow reflected in the content. I imagine this was the early intention of CSS until we started to build more and more complex layouts. Anyway, this restriction forced me to stay very streamlined on the features of the site. And I guess I am a purist.

The website offers optimised Schema metadata for site, page, article and author information. I furthermore included Open Graph and Twitter Card meta tags that provide optimised previews when links of this site are shared in social networks. I still need to find a way to create automatic images for my blog posts as I do not have a suitable image all the time. (PS: I am a <meta> tag nerd—let me know if I forgot some.)

Content images are lazy-loaded with the native loading="lazy" feature of browsers to reduce the initial payload of all sites. I do provide the width and height of images where possible to avoid layout shifts when the images are loaded. This plus many optimisations allow reaching awesome load performance. I hope Lume will get an image plug-in to further optimise images with many image sizes for different screens in the future.


This site is hosted on a Hetzner server. The connection is encrypted with a TLS certificate. I created a custom server configuration that optimises sever performance by using good caching defaults and file compression. Additionally, I configured the server to instruct browsers to send as little personal information as possible.

The source code is open-source on GitHub. I use a custom GitHub Action to build and deploy the website on my Hetzner server whenever I push commits with a new tag. This allows me to decide when I want to actually update the site.